Shop on AmazonSmile for Father’s Day

Did you know that NMHS Unlimited Film Productions is now part of the AmazonSmile community? Shop on AmazonSmile for Father’s Day and help support the work of NMHS Unlimited. Visit the website at… and purchase an item for the special father in your life while helping NMHS Unlimited continue its mission of “Saving Our History, One … Continue reading Shop on AmazonSmile for Father’s Day

Dr. Wilma Mosley Clopton Visits St. Louis

From Dr. Clopton: In St. Louis once again working on a new film. My friend Rosetta Keaton is my guide this time to help fill in some interesting tidbits of St. Louis history for the film. She also set up some much needed interviews for me. It was a long day but, always fun when … Continue reading Dr. Wilma Mosley Clopton Visits St. Louis

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the phenomenal women who continue to have the courage to show us the way! Please take a moment to enjoy my tribute to my Mother, Dr. Jessie Bryant Mosley, whose strength and vision continue to guide many of us today.

Walking in Their Footsteps: IDA BELL WELLS-BARNETT

Ida Bell Wells-Barnett, a Holly Springs, Mississippi native, was a journalist, newspaper editor, suffragist and sociologist. She documented lynching in the United States to expose its use as a mechanism to control and punish blacks who competed with whites. In 1884, 80 years before Rosa Parks, Wells bought a first class “ladies’ car” train ticket in … Continue reading Walking in Their Footsteps: IDA BELL WELLS-BARNETT