Annual Sponsorship Opportunities

As a nonprofit, NMHS Unlimited relies in great part on the collaboration and generosity of supportive partnerships in its effort to produce educational films and books, filmmaking workshops, and other community-minded events that are designed to bring innovative and relevant resources to children, youth, and adults throughout Mississippi and beyond.

Premier – $10,000

* Exclusive title of Presenting Sponsor of the annual Filmmaker’s Bash event, including one seat on the Judges Panel for chef competitions; delivering brief remarks, assisting in awards presentation, and live recognition during the event; 20 VIP tickets; two reserved tables; featured as Presenting Sponsor on all print and digital marketing platforms; and the premium back cover ad space of the commemorative program

* Quarterly social media acknowledgment of your support on NMHS Unlimited’s feed

* VIP tickets and seating at all film preview events

* Name/logo, linking to your website, prominently displayed on NMHS Unlimited’s website as a premier sponsor

* Premium ad placement in each of NMHS Unlimited’s e-newsletters

* Name/logo, linking to your website, displayed on NMHS Unlimited’s e-newsletters as a premier sponsor

* 6 tickets to an invitation-only pre-screening event for an NMHS Unlimited film

* $500 gift certificate for any NMHS Unlimited DVD or book merchandise


Feature – $5,000

* Exclusive host of an invitation-only pre-screening event for a new NMHS Unlimited film, including 8 VIP tickets, live recognition during the event, and promoted on all marketing

* Name/logo, linking to your website and/or social media page(s), prominently displayed on NMHS Unlimited’s website as a premier sponsor

* Ad placement in each of NMHS Unlimited’s e-newsletters

* Name/logo, linking to your website, displayed on NMHS Unlimited’s e-newsletters as a premier sponsor

* 4 VIP tickets to the annual Filmmaker’s Bash event

* Full-page ad in the annual Filmmaker’s Bash commemorative program

* $250 gift certificate for any NMHS Unlimited DVD or book merchandise


Supporting – $2,500

* Culinary Patron sponsor level of the annual Filmmaker’s Bash event, including 10 VIP tickets, a reserved table, live recognition during the event, and promoted in print and digital marketing

* Full-page ad in the annual Filmmaker’s Bash commemorative program

* Name/logo, linking to your website, prominently displayed on NMHS Unlimited’s website as a sponsor

* Ad placement in one of NMHS Unlimited’s e-newsletters

* Name/logo, linking to your website, displayed on NMHS Unlimited’s e-newsletters as a sponsor

* 2 VIP tickets to an invitation-only pre-screening event for a new NMHS Unlimited film

* $150 gift certificate for any NMHS Unlimited DVD or book merchandise


Collaborator – $1,500

* Culinary Patron sponsor level of the annual Filmmaker’s Bash event, including 10 VIP tickets, a reserved table, live recognition during the event, and promoted in print and digital marketing

* Name/logo, linking to your website, displayed on NMHS Unlimited’s website as a sponsor

* Ad placement in one of NMHS Unlimited’s e-newsletters

* Recognition on NMHS Unlimited’s e-newsletters as a sponsor

* 2 VIP ticket to an invitation-only pre-screening event for a new NMHS Unlimited film

* $50 gift certificate for any NMHS Unlimited DVD or book merchandise


Patron – $500

* Name/logo displayed on NMHS Unlimited’s website as a sponsor

* Recognition on NMHS Unlimited’s e-newsletters as a sponsor

* 2 VIP tickets to the annual Filmmaker’s Bash event

* 2 VIP tickets to an invitation-only pre-screening event for a new NMHS Unlimited film

* $25 gift certificate for any NMHS Unlimited DVD or book merchandise


Friends of NMHS Unlimited – $250

* Name/logo displayed on NMHS Unlimited’s website as a sponsor

* Recognition on NMHS Unlimited’s e-newsletters as a sponsor

* 2 general admission tickets to the annual Filmmaker’s Bash event

* 1 VIP ticket to an invitation-only pre-screening event for a new NMHS Unlimited film

* $15 gift certificate for any NMHS Unlimited DVD or book merchandise


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Did you know?

We will happily customize any sponsorship level to maximize the benefits most valuable to you

and to accommodate your budget!

NMHS Unlimited’s Facebook reach is nearly 1,000 – and constantly growing!

NMHS Unlimited’s e-newsletter reaches around 3,000 individuals!